Photography is an amazing art that presents limitless possibilities. Of the numerous photography styles, abstract and experimental photography are usually very interesting. Both these manners allow one to look into an entirely new world by having regard for the unseen beneath what one sees.
Whether one is a novice or professional in photography, there is a lot of inspiration in abstract photography to help one understand how to expand one’s creative vision. They can be one great source to try something different.

In This Article:
Creative and Experimental Photography: Art and Techniques
More photographs are being taken today than ever before, but most depend on hard drives and are often deleted after just one glance. In this book, the author identifies new sources for creativity and offers steps to create more imaginative and sensational work.
Full of technical tips and ideas, it shows how cameras can be used in unconventional ways for experimental photography. It also focuses on the development of creativity and personal photographic style, showing when to follow and when to break the traditional rules of composition. It reveals how seemingly mundane scenes can be transformed into stunning images.
Why You Should Read Books on Abstract and Experimental Photography
Some of the merits of reading these photography books include better comprehension of the art. The Edge of Vision is important in ways that help photographers make their work better and question them further on what it is to be a photographer. Similarly, experimental photography books like Experimental Photography: A Handbook of Techniques provide hands-on guides in pushing creative limits.
Similarly, reading about abstraction or experimental photography can stimulate any photographer to work experimentally. For example, after you have read a book on abstraction, you may suddenly begin to notice how the textures or patterns of everyday objects stand out.
If you’d like to read more books that will give you additional doses of creativity and abstraction, here is a list of some books similar to Verity by Colleen Hoover. What they all have in common is the pushing of boundaries and the exploration of the unknown like experimental and abstract photographers who create and innovate away from traditional techniques.
52 Assignments: Experimental Photography
It is a book full of prompts and projects, nudges and sparks, hacks and ideas intrepid experiments at shooting and processing/printing that will get you out of your photographic rut or groove, push those edges ever outward and slightly skyward, all in the process of building up a compendium of experimental work. 52 creative commissions and exercises full of ideas using color as a different way of writing and making photographs with some printing concepts too.
Modern uses of traditional film-hacking old cameras, making pinholes, playing with plastic, collecting filters inspired by Instagram; traditional uses of digital: multiple exposures, extreme speeds, time-limited challenges, and focus tricks; low- and hi-tech ways to manipulate prints: watercolor prints, digital effects, copy printing, photo burning, printing on flexible surfaces. Is addressed.
The rest of the pages in this diary are designed to allow you to keep a record of your own 52 photo assignments, complete with thoughts and notes, lists, top 10s, specifications, quotes, and even sketches and doodles. You can do one every weekend for a year or return every time you want to bring some fresh perspective or experimental approach to your photography.

Open Aperture: The Evolution of Photography within an Abstract World
Fine art photography is a discipline, like science itself, currently undergoing a revolutionary shift. Just as George Eastman’s invention of roll film changed the world’s perception of art, so too have Instagram and other communication technologies doubled the possibilities of artistic expression.
This retrospective is organized by genre rather than by year, with key categories including camera-less photograms, self-portraiture, environmental portraiture, street photography, documentation, and abstraction. With innovative creations from such photographers as Diane Arbus, Edward Weston, and Alfred Stieglitz to Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg, the exhibition presents artists in often unusual juxtapositions.
Although short histories of various genres are provided, this is not a history book but rather an inquiry into the distinctiveness of a particular photographic vision at a given moment. This book will inspire the fine-art photographer to break down stereotypes and crash creative barriers to become part of the new avant-garde.
Creative Abstract Photography: Tips and Techniques for Improving Your Photography and for Creating Stunning, Abstract Images
In Creative Abstract Photography, Mark shows you how to capture and create great abstract images, starting with perspective and compositional techniques moving through a wide range of topics from abstract to traditional, and concluding with ideas, tips, and techniques for post-production effects and presentation.
In between, you’ll learn about selective color images, water, reflections, fire, still life, motion capture techniques, and even how to create the stunning ‘Earth Splash’ image that graces the cover of this book. Plus a few special projects including an image of a floating self-pouring wine bottle!
Abstract and experimental photography is opening new dimensions toward an artistic expression of this wonderful medium. Both genres are worth reading in some of the best books which will inspire the photographer in his or her continued learning of new techniques, and further development of their artistic expression.
From those using the conceptual approach to the reinvention of photography by experimental methods, much is drawn from these resources. This exploration will grant you confidence in pushing the skills of photography further and changing the achievements of photography.